Friday, February 19, 2010

Lightning up

So, the Sustainable Frederick blog experiment has been trundling along, hasn't it? When I review what I have written and the commentary it has inspired and not, I see a lot of good -- a lot of what I wanted to do with the blog. I also see a lot that I want to accomplish differently.

The biggest change I want to make is one of voice and tone. I don't really see enough of me in the posts. I've tried so hard to provide objective commentary, to cover too many bases and frankly to be too damn smart. One ugly casualty of this is that I think I have come across as if I live a super sustainable life, when the truth is much closer to me being the ugly American I am trying to wake up! On that note, my very next post will be a fast and dirty review of my own cosmic insustainability.

In the meantime, I am also going to move much of my activity to Facebook. Come become a fan of the new Sustainable Frederick Facebook page. Help me keep it light.

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